Monday, October 16, 2006

No rest for the weary...

My rest has been pushed back until February/March. To allow for a month of feedback and modifications from the beta testers I've pushed back rollout to January.

I can hold out for my rest but I need to schedule time with my husband. In the last two weeks, we've had dinner nearly in silence. Between late hours at work and late hours working from home, we're too exhausted and pre-occupied with our job.

We pass out in front of our computers and stumble into bed around 5am. By 6, my anxiety attack wakes me and I leave to meditate in the living room to allow Lrudlrick an extra hour of sleep.

With the Fall, comes weekends filled with social engagements, obligations and housekeeping, many times we have multiple engagements requiring us to split up and meet back in the evening.

So far we've been doing well but I know it will take it's toll if we don't find time to be together.

The hard part isn't blocking the time though; it's not letting work responsiblities seep in.

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