Friday, September 28, 2012

Shutting down now...

I'm not always the strong one. In all relationships, there needs to be a see sawing to allow each person to be human.
For months now I've been trying to be the strong one and I've hit my breaking point.
I'm done.
I'm am tired of walking on egg shells.
I'm tired of saying one word and then hearing a tirade with a "I'm just telling you how I feel, can I not tell you how I feel?" guilt.
I know when I'd rather be anywhere but home that I've hit the wall.
My head is all cloudy.
I have a million projects for work.
I have a million projects I actually want to do for home and the support I get nowadays is, "Yes you are the only one who wants to do that. How long do you want to do that anyway?"
There are only a few things I want to do for myself and although they may not be what other's consider their happy zone, they are mine.
I don't belittle your happy zone, don't belittle mine.
Support my interests as I support yours. That's all I'm asking.