Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No DVDs, no stuffed animals. Stop the insanity!

I'm glad I'm not the only mom who has to deal with this.  I know it's all in love but it drives me insane.
I met up with a fellow mommy in the neighborhood this morning and she mentioned how she doesn't understand how her MIL doesn't get it.
"She knows we aren't sugar people.  What does she do?  She buys three giant italian black and white cookies, a watermelon cupcake the size of his head and another dessert for him."
As with these conversations, we swapped stories.
I explained the case load of DVDs that we received over the holidays that I'm still trying to donate or sell.
"And I did the right thing.  I showed them to my daughter and asked her if she wanted any and she said no and walked away."
I explained how I'm waiting for UPS to deliver the Noah's ark package of stuffed animals for TG's birthday which I had asked her not to get.
"I just got rid of a boatload of stuffed animals. It's ridiculous.  I can't even give them to the hospital either because of the chemicals and potential contamination issues."
My mom friend moved it right along to the... "We give her a list of ideas.  Does she take them?"
"No.  Mine too.  Although she has gotten better.  She's buying books now which are a big win here.  We make a list of books of interest based on TG's interests and those are the hands down winners."
We then reminded each other this could just be darn payback for our own childhood.
Does this mean that we get to do this to our kids?
30 lb vat of playdough and spin art games for everyone!