Saturday, July 09, 2011


So my tot is now three years old.  Her birthday was spent in our traditional quiet family way. 
This worked out as DH's week has been consummed by a major final project due for one of his classes.  The man has not slept in days.  God bless him.
In the AM, she went to her traditional date with Dad.  It's one of the few times where DH can purchase something for TG at the big box store (TRU).  I having nothing against TRU.  We're just particular with the toys and items TG plays with.  I read to many items, for work and personal, regarding endocrine disruptors, that we are careful with play item.s  Plus we lean towards Waldorf and Montessori influences.  TRU unfortunately does not lean this way.  But on her birthday, DH takes her to TRU and she gets her annual giraffe helium balloon and a toy.
This year, it was a horse and cowboy set.  It's actually Woody and Bullseye from Toy Story but she calls it's Cowboy and Bullseye.  (Remember, we aren't big brand promoters either.  We figure it will happen soon enough when school starts.)
They came home after nap just in time for some celebratory cake.  
I hung some decorations that I kept from a surprise celebration DH held for me way back, BC. 
We opened presents (a wooden birthday cake, Thomas train birthday set, some books, her annual birthday shirt and a Viewfinder).  Yes, a Viewfinder.   I think DH and I had more fun playing with that.  TG calls them binoculars. 
We had some homemade chocolate ice cream cake and then kissed DH off to school.
I really do cherish this quiet family birthday tradition.  The playdate is a few days away and I still have a laundry list of items to do but this little quiet celebration is a great way for me to feel like I'm not just the mom running around planning things while I miss everything.