Thursday, December 17, 2009

I used to be more organized.

I need to be more positive. I think this will be my New Year's resolution.
DH and I just had a phone conversation and he seemed to think I was a bit of a Debbie Downer. Part of it was due to the Christmas crunch. We have less than 7 days and we still have 3 gifts to get, a tree to put up, cookies to be made, presents to be wrapped, service presents to package, desserts to make for Christmas eve, Christmas evening dinner menu to finalize, Christmas Day breakfast menu to finalize. I feel like everything is still up in the air.
My mother who complained that I don't host dinners anymore asked me to do Christmas but now thinks she'll be away for Christmas. So now I'm planning a meal for my family and one for the extended, just in case.
Christmas aside, I do find myself talking to my husband and being the 'grownup'. For example, DH just bought a guitar to learn how to play it. That's great. He wants to do this because our daughter loves music and the guitar. I'm just in a place where I cleaned out our house of unneccessary stuff and we're getting more. To understand what I mean, my husband would not let me get ride of a video game because one day, one day he will play it. It's been over a year and it's still wrapped in it's packaging. By the time he wants to play with it, the new game console will probably be out. Odds are, he'll want said console and the old one will fall to the waste side.
I'm sure the guitar will be fine. I need to be positive. I'm just feeling Christmas crunch. This too shall pass.
On the menu possibly are:
Dessert for Christmas Eve social - Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes
Breakfast for Christmas Day - Berry Muffins or Apple Date Cupcakes & Hot Chocolate
Dinner for Family - TBD
or Dinner for Extended Family - Roast and Roasted Veggies etc...
As you can tell, dinner is the last thing on my mind these days.