Friday, March 13, 2009

Vacation all I ever wanted...

BG is 8 months and 6 days old.
It’s been awhile. I haven’t been avoiding you. It’s just been busy. We took our first every plane ride to Florida to visit family. We got away from the frigid temperatures of NYC and visited relatives in Florida. From 20 degrees to 80 degrees made it very hard for us to head back home.
BG loved the plane ride to Florida. On the way back I was the woman with frazzled hair and bags under her eyes trying to soothe a crying baby. Sorry for all passengers aboard JetBlue’s night flight from Orlando to NY. I wasn’t the only one with a crying baby as another tater tot and a toddler both had little crying fits. As my husband said, “Each parent for their own. We have enough to manage with our baby.” By the end of our trip DH exclaimed, “How the hell do parents with more than 1 kid do it?” Props to parents who have been there and done that with baby in tow. I need a vacation from this vacation.
In short, it was great to see the family and everyone on my husband’s father’s side and his mother are very hospitable. It made my MIL very happy to see her grandchild and it made my husband equally happy to see his dad’s side, many of whom he has never met or met when he was a wee one.
DH and his mom got along for the most part and no blow out fights occurred which was great. She was so excited she went on an all out buying spree to stock her guest room with essentials for us. She was very sweet and made me feel right at home. Her dog, a chiuahua with heart troubles, named Chico, was not so friendly but by the end of the week, he knew I wasn’t going to stand for my toes being bit for a third time.
Highlights include:
dog biting my toes (twice)
DH punting the dog for biting his toes
a Jacuzzi and pool without gas hook up that we couldn’t swim in
FIL’s excitement for Gatorland
a 750 lb angus cow named Whisper (her rump made for delicious eats)
BG’s first swim (she’s a natural water baby and it was in a heated pool)
vacation and daylight savings time killing BG’s sleep schedule
an awesome plane ride to FL but a foul ride back (lesson learned, no night flights. Baby will not sleep on plane)
BG’s first old time train ride
DH uninstalling and reinstalling the car seat (that flight attendant saw us installing it in the middle seat and waiting until we were done to tell us to move it. I don’t care what you said, Zechariah. We were in the 2nd row. You couldn’t miss us.)
2 adults and 1 baby for 1 week = 2 checked bags, 1 car seat, 1 car seat case, 1 car seat rolling device, 2 carry-ons and 1 diaper bag.
Family taffy pulling (yes, they made homemade taffy)
BG’s first bath in a kitchen sink sans bathtub
1 week away = apx 76 size 2 diapers and 2 large containers of diaper wipes.
BG's first palm tree
BG's first real experience with grass
A million memories and learning experiences for baby and mom and dad