Monday, November 20, 2006

I'm very lucky too to have a MIL like you.

Lines I’ll remember from my MIL’s trip:

-They don’t use tokens anymore? How do people pay? --On the subject of Metrocards

-I paid $0.15 last time! –On how much a single ride on the subway costs now.

-Do you want to sleep on the bed? –MIL to Lrudlrick

-I’m like Lucy Ricardo. –On her many schemes.

-There are people like that in the workforce. Yes, that’s why it’s funny. --On the subject of Dwight and Michael in ‘The Office’

-Why is he so mean? He should give her a second chance. If it was you, would you give him a second chance? No. –On the subject of Jim’s coldness to Pam in ‘The Office’

-I’m bad with directions. So is your son. Why?

-New Yorkers are so nice. When you watch movies and read the newspapers they don’t say that. Do you know I’m not from around here? Where I’m from we don’t hear the good stories about New York. Where are you from? I live in Buffalo, NY. –MIL to gentleman who gave his seat up for her on the ‘A’ train.

-You know, I’m very lucky that my son didn’t marry one of the horror story daughter-in-laws I read about. She loves me. --Chatting with tourist from Alabama