Friday, August 18, 2006

Things happen for a reason.

I know the morning can be harried but that doesn't allow one to be rude. Before any words come out of your mouth, stop, breathe and say, 'Good morning.'
Start the day with positive words please.

Day Five: He is a better person because of his daughter.
Maybe he wasn't a good dad to Lrudlrick but he has a second chance with Li’l sis. Someone up there is giving him an opportunity to prove himself. Who am I to judge and criticize?
There is good in all. I need to remember this. All in all, he hasn't cut Lrudlrick completely off. He still wants contact. More so for his daughter who is curious about her father's family but that in itself has led to more communication not only with his son but also his brothers and sisters.
Be grateful.

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