Saturday, August 27, 2005

Finally finished.

I finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Lrudlrick now feels the need to find another book to occupy my time so he can finish some Xbox Star Wars game but obviously he hasn’t seen the stack of books on my nightstand I’ve yet to finish.

I start most books and then get sucked into another book. I’ve got 5 books that I still want to get through. It’s a vicious habit but I usually finish my books eventually.

I wont’ say much about HBP. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t finished yet. I will say that I 2 years is a mighty long time to wait for the final book in the series. So many questions and theories are looming in my head.

I got on the HP wagon in 2000. I remember this because I was in Boston on a business trip and wound up lugging a ton of HP paraphernalia back to Lrudlrick as a gift. At the airport, some security clerk smiled and asked if it was for my kid and I embarrassingly responded no, my boyfriend.

Last night Lrudlrick and I were discussing possible endings to the series when he said, “I don’t want to go into details anymore. I don’t want to picture myself as a middle aged man going to Potter conventions.” “We’re just talking. It’s not like you’re dressing up like Dumbledore or something.” “Well, this is how it starts. Let’s just continue looking through the Times.”

At least I have the film to keep me Pottertained.