Tuesday, May 31, 2005

"Worry, why do I let myself worry?" Part II

With Spring comes Real Estate talk. With Real Estate talk, I get agita. Our newest discussion is selling and renting. You can’t help think about it. It’s discussed in every newspaper and magazine. Lrudlrick even had us watching CNBC and their Town Forum on ‘The Bubble’.

Back in the days, our parents didn’t think of buying property for investment purposes. You bought a house to live in. Now I’ve got to change my gears and think more business than shelter from Mother Nature.

My biggest concern is why sell? What is the purpose? What will the equity be put towards? Selling for selling sake is not justifiable. Lrudlrick knows this is my concern. I think until the purpose is determined, I will continue to have anxiety.

Although the purpose hasn’t been determined, research continues. So we spent all weekend scouring papers and brokers. While biking, we visited various neighborhoods to get a feel of the area. Did you know that people can actually live in a 350 sq ft apartment and say it’s a convertible 2?

I’m trying to be optimistic though. Lrudlrick has been commuting for over 5 years now and it’s only fair that I take a brunt of it for awhile.

We’re not moving tomorrow or at least that’s what I’m told today but we’re not closing our eyes either. I suppose it’s time for the real estate agents migratory flight. I’m trying to let the chips fall where they may and I hope my angst will soon pass.