Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Welcome back...Welcome back...Welcome back...

I'm back. :-)

So last week was our anniversary week.  I took a much needed week off of
work.  I woke up Tuesday smiling.  I haven't done that since I got
this new job.  I hugged the dog and pulled her close to me.  Hubby
kissed me good bye and I rolled in bed all giddy I didn't have to get up. 
15 minutes later there was a knock on the door.  I thought it was
Lrudlrick.  It was Pablo.  Now before you start thinking this is my
Able who fixes the cable, Pablo is our super.  Of course, I have no glasses
on, I'm in my pjs and the dogs are barking furiously.  I squint and try to
hear him over the barks.  It seems that there is an in-wall leak in our
bathroom that is causing some minor damage downstairs. 

Remembering how our warnings about leaking went unheard, I told him to come
in right away and assess and fix it ASAP.  Long story short, my first day
off was spent dealing with a leak in our bathroom.  But I did get to put up
more photos. 

The second day off was spent dealing with the leak again.  The day
before, Pablo couldn't find an Allen wrench that would fit our faucets. 
(Lrudlrick doesn't understand the concept of a super not having the right tools,
especially since we have three hardware stores within walking distance from our

I did get to get my massage though.  Margaret gave me a relaxing Thai
massage.  I highly recommend it.  It was much better than

skullhead bonyhands
.  The next few days I walked all over the city. 
Eastside, Chelsea, Midtown.  I felt like Mary Tyler Moore.  When
you're in the city without the rush to get to a meeting, the city looks much
prettier.  I picked up the last piece of Lrudlrick's present and went to
Home Depot to pick up more screws and picture moulding hooks.

Lrudlrick luckily got our anniversary off so we started the day with a lazy
morning big breakfast and exchanged gifts.   Ok, cotton anniversary is
a ridiculous anniversary.  The closest I got to cotton was the tee shirt I
wrapped the tickets and the Spam I got him.  Hubby gave me a new laptop. 
Honestly, we'd be better off if each year was the 'electronic' year. 

We ate dinner at Frankie and Johnnie's and made our way to Spamalot.  I
disagree with many reviewers who said Spamalot is the new Producers. 
Spamalot ain't no Producers.  The Producers brought back an old time
Broadway that was sorely needed.  The Producers was written by a borsch
belt Jew who was raised with a love for the old time Broadway.  Spamalot is
camp.  Spamalot is British camp.  I love both for what they are. 
Don't try to compare them.

Spamalot is a great ensemble show.  Before curtain, Lrudlrick and I eyed
the souvenirs and talked it up with the guy manning the counter.  Total
geekiness came out.  Forget the suit and sexy art deco dress.  These
are all allusions.  If Lrudlrick had his way, we'd be wearing Python shirts
and walking around with fish.  Sadly, I pointed out unknown facts about
some of the souvenirs to the souvenir dealer.  BTW, there is a backorder
for the killer rabbit with the sharp nasty teeth slippers.  Please form an
orderly line behind pantrygirl and no one will get hurt.

Then just as the red wine and the geekiness were overflowing, some lady turns
to us and says we're a cute couple and inquire if we have kids.  Lrudlrick
responds, "No."  She then whispers to Lrudlrick that having children was
the best thing that happened to her.  Thanks for bursting the high, lady. 
Intermission came and we spied her daughter and my face did a Rodney
Dangerfield.   Sorry, but it slipped out.

I'd go see Spamalot again.  Maybe after opening night.

Oh, Mr. EBay guy.  Yes, so there we were, waiting in the freezing cold
to get a picture with Mr. Curry, Mr. Azaria and Mr. Hyde Pierce.  Mr. Curry
is much shorter than I had thought.  Sorry but Dr. Frankenfurter didn't
look 5'6.  Mr. Hyde Pierce looks like a Muppet.  Seriously, up close
and personal, he looks like a Muppet.  He's got these lips that remind me
of the slit mouths Muppets have.  So out comes the actor who plays the
sissy boy who wants to sing and I scream, "Hey, EBay!"  {Dork}  He
looks at me and smiles.  I was more excited that Mr. EBay guy looked at me
and signed my program than taking a picture with David Hyde Pierce.

If you don't recognize him, he's the guy in the EBay commercial where the
woman asks where she can get a sports item and he starts singing "That's Amore"
but as "That's on EBay" in this smarmy deadpan way.  You can check out the

eBay commercials
yourself.  On a personal note, my all time favorite is
the "On EBay"  with the tubby black dude Fosse-ing it up.

The rest of my week off was spent doing household errands and taking
leisurely walks around the city.  Now, I'm about to say something that I
thought would never come out of my mouth.  I kind of liked it.  I
thought I'd be bored at home but I found it refreshing.  Even Mother Nature
seemed content with me doing laundry and taking long walks.  Yesterday was
a gorgeous day to do nothing.

Then I went back to work today.  My butt was just starting to warm my
seat up when the assistant plops a 5 lb stack of paperwork left for me during my
vacation.  My phone was constantly ringing.  Consultants stalked me
outside and inside my office.  Half of my boss' lunch fell on the floor. 
The skies opened up raining down freezing rain, ice and snow.  Then at 3pm,
our mail server zonked out.  Folks, pantrygirl is back at work.  Sorry
for the howling winds and sharp rain drops.