Friday, March 11, 2005

Pantrygirl will be cheering when the Star Wars trailer begins. Please don't throw popcorn at her.

Wow, I’ve buried myself into work and I still have a way to go. Still, I am feeling lighter and more relaxed today. It’s Friday, after all. I bought these star-shaped jelly filled donuts in to celebrate. Truth be told, I saw them at the grocery store and thought they were so cute I had to buy them. Then when I got home, I felt guilty that I would be the only person eating all 6 jelly donuts. So I had a change of heart and had to get them out of the house.

Honestly, if people saw the junk I buy when I go grocery shopping, they’d think I was either a future diabetic or a heroin junkie. Last nights bounty included: Pringles Sour Cream and Onion chips, Entenmanns’s Raspberry filled cookies, a bag of snack sized Kit Kats, Ice Cream Sandwiches and the Entenmanns’s Starr Puff Jelly filled Donuts. I went to the store to buy string beans and steak.

I start smart. My list always is along the approved dietary recommendations. Milk, Eggs, Meat, Veggies. But they hit you with those damn aisle displays. I realize I eat like a teenager with no concerns of heart disease or sugar comas. To be truthful, I ate none of my junk food items last night. I used my healthy items to make a nice meal and was full. Hubby snagged a few raspberry cookies but he deserved them.

Yesterday, a line of plumbers, handymen and assorted gawkers came into our apartment to install a new shower. Our building is a pre-war building and the plumbing is atrocious. So after leak upon leak, they finally decided to give us a new shower system. Of course our bathroom looks like crap now. Lrudlrick had to work from home yesterday but it was quite difficult for him. See, the plumber’s assistant kept running back and forth from his van to our bathroom. Along with his tools he tracked dirt on our hardwood floors. Not just standard schmutz. I’m talking leftover snow, ice, smog wet black grey schmutz. We’ve learned in the past to roll up all our rugs and floor coverings whenever workmen are around. Still, the hardwood floors were literally screaming by the time they left. Hubby was following them around cleaning after them. They must have thought Lrudlrick had compulsive tendencies. He was unable to get to his work until 9pm. He stayed up and finally went to bed at around 6am. Lrudlrick says a quick nap may have been taken between 3 and 5.

So we’ve got this new shower. It’s the kind that swivels up and down. Gone are our old fashioned turn knobs. With them we also said goodbye to scalding us whenever the toilet flushes. The terrible part aside from the aesthetics is our water pressure is squat. It’s like that Seinfeld episode. I can’t feel clean. A typical 5-10 minute shower is now inadequate in the rinse department. If I still had my long hair, I’d be in there a good 20 minutes just rinsing out the shampoo. Lrudlrick said it will be better once the dual shower head is installed. I hope so. I feel like Elf when he’s trying desperately to shower in the tiny shower.

Tonight, we’re going to check out Robots. I’m a sucker for animation movies. I turn into a little kid. Plus, I’m dying to see the Star Wars trailer. I’m surprised there are so many tickets still available on Fandango. I’d expect the Star Wars fans to buy out the tickets just to see the trailer. I’m also interested in seeing the Ice Age 2 short film. Apparently they are showing it during tonight’s showing of Robots. We saw the Robots preview on Fox HD last week and it definitely whet my appetite. The whole transportation system reminded me of Pipe Dream. Actually, one of the interests that drew Lrudlrick and I together was cool animation videos. Lrudlrick and I swapped a few videos and we became fast email buddies. Ever since we’ve been together, we’ve checked out most animation films the first night of their run. It’s just a given. We’ll wait 6 months to see most movies but animation and CGI heavy movies bring us out of our cocoon. I’m not making a case against the whole ‘Geek’ classification, am I?