Friday, September 10, 2004

Closing my eyes and diving in

This past week has been draining. I sometimes look back and look forward to
returning to work.

I'm too tired to go into detail about today's events.  Let's just say,
today can be summed up with the following:

1 bad morning phone call

3 trips to the dealership

3 trips to the party store

1 trip to the office

a broken nail

a grill half put together

1 woman in desperate need of a manicure and pedicure

and someone calling to tell me he locked him outside of the house with the

On the positive side:

Thanks to his wife, hubby now has:

duplicate keys made

a detailed car

Hubby's curve ball was a minimal one but he did make up for it.  He's
currently asleep on the couch.  This has allowed me the liberty to:

Make the dips (He called me while I was getting ready to prepare them at my

Clean and pack the portable radio


Blow dry my hair

Pack his bathing suit, towel

Pack a set of clothes for myself

Make a list of things to buy tomorrow

Paint my toes (it will have to do until I get them done Monday.)

Breathe and relax

And write a little ditty here.

Hubby bought me my favorite video game, Burnout.  Apparently he saw me
drool when I saw the commercial for the 3rd edition and bought it as a surprise
for me.

Now there is nothing more for me to do than to take a deep breath and get a
good night's rest.

Keep your fingers crossed folks.


Weather forecast:

ny1: warm and bright 78

nbc: mostly sunny.  high in the 70s partly cloudy 76